About Me

I'm born in Naples years ago. In January 2013 I have obtained the Bachelor of Computer Engineer at the University of Naples Federico II with the mark of 100/110. In April 2013 I started a Stage in IBM Tivoli at Rome, where I worked on the Smart Cloud Provisioning (I have created a Suite Tool of Test in Python integrated in Jenkins) and on a management tool of services. After 3 months I have finished the Stage and I have worked on a site platform for the family company, developed with the Django Framework. In December 2013 I obtain my first work contract with Setefi s.p.a. (actually its name is Mercury Payment Services), a company of the Intesa San Paolo Group, in Milan, where I have become an expert on Payment Systems. Actually I working here as Full Stack Software Engineer for the Authorization Systems department and I'm studing to obtain the Master Degree in Computer Engineer. My goal is to grow to become one of the best professionals in my field.

Contact Details

Paolo Ippolito
Milano, MI 20147 Italy
[email protected]


University of Naples Federico II

Bachelor in Computer Engineering January 2013

Programming language ( C, C++, SQL, Matlab/Simulink, Java, Python) applied on OS level, knowledge of various protocol (HTTP,FTP,IMAP,TCP,UDP,IP,RTCP,RTP), software engineer techniques,analisys, synthesis and simulation of dynamic system. I did various university projects related to exams, these project are principally written in C and C++, and only one in SQL (and the related DB design with ER).

University of Naples Federico II

Master in Computer Engineering In progress

Analisys and design of algorithm and data structure, design in VHDL language of full custom and cell base integrated systems, knowledge of the modern computer architecture and develope of I\O assembler driver on CISC (MC68000) and RISC (SPIM) architecture for serial (USART-UART) and parallel (PIA) transmission interfaces with PIC and DMA device integration. Deep knowledge of HTTP protocol (also in the asynchronous version), bydirectional Http (HyBy), SIP protocol, RTP protocol ,SOAP protocol ,SDP protocol ,RTCP protocol ,RTSP protocol and also of the architecture for the software development for VoIP and Cloud Computing. Deep knowledge of hacking analisys technique (in the footprinting, scanning and enumeration phases) , IPSec suite protocol, SSL/TLS suite protocol, SSH suite protocol, HTTPS, hacking attack techniques (Buffer Overflow, Malware, DoS, DDoS, Wi-Fi and IP Hacking), IDS (host-base, network and hybrid techniques), Firewall and IPS.

Researches, works and articles

MDDP - Metadata Data Decoupling Protocol

Research 2023

Study of a new application protocol focused on optimization of server-2-server communication.

MDDP - Metadata Data Decoupling Protocol (EN)


Research 2015

Study of the Honeypot, their nature, their application on a complex Datacenter and a simulation of its use.

Network Security: Honeypot & Honeynet (IT)

Sincronizzazione di reti di sistemi dinamici

Bachelor thesis 2013

Bachelor thesis on synchronization of network dynamic systems

Sincronizzazione di Reti di Sistemi Dinamici (IT)


Nexi Group

Senior Software Engineer December 2013 - Present

My working career in one of the most important italian company in the Elettronic Coin Payment started with the design and develope of auxiliar software and backend interfaces for the Authorization Systems. In 2015 I was in charge of several project on the merchant mobile payment solution of the company, Move and Pay Business. From February 2017 I'm involved in all the lifecycle of the core business software, from the analisys to the maintenance, for the Acquiring and Issuing systems. I have also design the Issuing solution to support the Enrollment, Provisioning and Life Cycle Management for the Tokenization Payments (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, etc... ). Actually i'm in charge of the new Nexi Acquiring Target System.

IBM Tivoli Roma

Tester and Software Developer April 2013 - July 2013

Working on IBM Smart Cloud Provisioning: I create a Suite Test for the Automation Test after the set up of Smart Cloud Provisioning; the test creates a Virtual Environment formed Virtual Images, and after the creation checks the status of all virtual Images and scriptsPackages(ScriptsPackages are scripts .sh or .bat that run automatically on creation or deletion of a virtual Image) . Also i'm working on a management Python script that do the start, stop and status checks of all the services in a Virtual Environment (like PXE server, zookepepeer server, OpenLDAP server,etc..)


Business knowledges

  • Issuing Payment Systems
  • Acquiring Payment Systems
  • Tokenization Systems
  • SCT Payment Systems

Technical knowledges

  • Application & Transport Protocols
  • Security Protocols
  • Distributed Systems
  • System & Software Design
  • Computer Architecture

Programming Languages

  • Java
  • C++
  • C
  • Swift
  • Cobol
  • Python
  • SQL
  • HTML5
  • Javascript - jQuery


  • Il Dott.Paolo Ippolito ha svolto l'attività di tirocinio conseguendo risultati in linea con gli obbiettivi del tirocinio, inoltre durante lo stage ha dimostrato un elevato interesse per l'attività proposta, autonomia ed un'ottima capacità di inserimento nel gruppo di lavoro.

    IBM Italia

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